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Memory Enhancement Techniques That Can Change Your Life

Nootropics which are also known as memory enhancement or smart drugs, neuro and cognitive enhancers. Are a selection of drugs, supplements and functional foods that enhance mental agility and memory. They are used by various groups to reportedly improve mental function like memory and motivation. Some studies suggest that they have no real long term affect and yet contradictory studies show a remarkable improvement in test subjects. They are supposed to work by effectively changing or morphing the availability of neurochemicals to the brain by stimulating nerve growth and increasing oxygen supply.

For a substance to be known as a Nootropic it has to have the following characteristics:

-Enhance the tonic sub cortical control mechanism

-Exhibit few side effects.

-Enhance learning and memory.

-Enhance learned behaviours under conditions which are known to disrupt them.

-Protects the brain from physical or chemical injury.

The five main uses for Nootropic substances would be:

1. Memory

Some studies have suggested that Nootropic foods and drugs can increase memory by up to 66%. Although the test subjects seemed to lose this ability when the Nootropic was denied in the control experiment.

2. Motivation

Test subjects reported an increase in motivation after using the Nootropic substance. Against those given the placebo. It was reported that the test subjects were far more likely to get up early. Stay up and study later and were less disheartened by bad test results.

3. Attention

Staying alert for great periods of time has always been a sore subject among scholars. Some have said that caffeine and exercise will help, while others insist its rest and recuperation that helps. Whatever your side of the fence, Nootropic drugs have been heavily linked to major increase in attention span.

4. Intelligence

Probably the most controversial of all the reported advantages, is intelligence. There has been some heated debate over this subject with Japanese scientist now saying that they can create smart people. Simply by the introduction of Nootropics at birth and over a twenty year period they could create a smart human. Although without a base test it would be impossible to prove them right or wrong.

5. Motor Skills

Since all physical activity starts off in the brain. Nootropics have been linked to athletic excellence. By increasing the oxygen to certain parts of the brain, scientists have increased motor skill function in athlete some 15%. Now this might not seem like much. But athletes are at the top of their game. They have already peaked or maxed out their performance so that 15% increase could literally mean the difference between winning or losing.


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