You Need To Check This Out To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
High blood pressure consists of a couple of Readings. The top reading is the systolic number, and the bottom number is the diastolic reading. The systolic pressure indicates the pressure as your heart beats, and the diastolic pressure indicates the number of contractions. You can tell you have high blood pressure when your systolic number is over 130, and your diastolic number is over 85. But you don't necessarily need medication to lower your high blood pressure. You can lower blood pressure naturally. The first you would like to do is to lose some extra weight you are carrying. Many of us carry some extra weight. It's not sure as to what is the relation between being overweight and having higher blood pressure, but it has something to do with abnormalities in glucose. It's advised that people with extra weight must exercise for a minimum of half an hour a day for at least five days in a week. The exercise you do doesn't have to be anything wild and complicated, either. You can do yourself world of good by just walking for a half hour each day. Some of the benefits your body will see from your exercise regimen will include weight loss and decreased stress levels. Also, scientific studies have proven that doing aerobic exercise on a regular basis will make your heart stronger enabling it to pump your blood more efficiently and thus lowering your blood pressure. Therefore, you can see that exercise is a way to lower blood pressure naturally.
Diet is another step to lower blood pressure naturally. It is a major component for lowering high blood pressure. One must aim for a diet high in vegetables and whole grain products. Red meats and sweets are ok in moderation. A diet full of fruits and vegetables will lower blood pressure in as little as two weeks. It's also important to include supplements proven to lower blood pressure naturally. Your diet should also include supplements which can also help to lower blood pressure naturally. Less intake of Sodium can also lower the blood pressure levels in a natural way. Hence, how is much sodium intake you can reduce? It's advised to lower it down to around 1,500 milligrams a day which is half the National average. One teaspoon of salt has 1,200 milligrams of sodium in it. An important way to lower blood pressure naturally is to cut down on some drinks you consume. The less you drink, the lower your blood pressure will be. Now that is not to say you cannot drink at all. It is recommended one drink a day is fine but not more than that. Always drink in moderation whether you have high blood pressure or not.
One of the main causes of high blood pressure is caffeine. One must reduce intake of caffeine to bring down blood pressure. Blood pressure increases by 4 mm for every three cups of coffee that you take in a day. Caffeine causes more stress by tightening the blood vessels thereby increasing the blood pressure. As a result of the body being under stress, the heart starts to pump much faster-giving rise to high blood pressure. It is better to switch to decaf in case you want that cup of coffee in the morning. Another great way is the Natural dietary supplements that lower blood pressure naturally and maintain a healthy pressure. Supplements like L-arginine, grape seed extract, lycopene, and Pycnogenol have been clinically proven to help lower blood pressure. These are safe; natural supplements will not cause any harmful after effects with the positive benefits of better cardiovascular health. Taking these supplements on a daily basis will be your first step to a healthier lifestyle. You need to check this out for a healthy living away from Blood Pressure
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